Ceremony after a fire raid
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The grievers
Among the street burned to tireless death
A child of a few hours
With its kneading mouth
Charred on the black breast of the grave
The mother dug, and its arms full of fires.
With singing
Darkness kindled back into beginning
When the caught tongue nodded blind,
A star was broken
Into the centuries of the child
Myselves grieve now, and miracles cannot atone.
Us forgive
Us your death that myselves the believers
May hold it in a great flood
Till the blood shall spurt,
And the dust shall sing like a bird
As the grains blow, as your death grows, through our heart.
Your dying
Child beyond cockcrow, by the fire-dwarfed
Street we chant the flying sea
In the body bereft.
Love is the last light spoken. Oh
Seed of sons in the loin of the black husk left.
Adam or Eve, the adorned holy bullock
Or the white ewe lamb
Or the chosen virgin
Laid in her snow
On the altar of London,
Was the first to die
In the cinder of the little skull,
O bride and bride groom
O Adam and Eve together
Lying in the lull
Under the sad breast of the head stone
White as the skeleton
Of the garden of Eden.
I know the legend
Of Adam and Eve is never for a second
Silent in my service
Over the dead infants
Over the one
Child who was priest and servants,
Word, singers, and tongue
In the cinder of the little skull,
Who was the serpent's
Night fall and the fruit like a sun,
Man and woman undone,
Beginning crumbled back to darkness
Bare as nurseries
Of the garden of wilderness.
Of the luminous cathedrals,
Into the weathercocks' molten mouths
Rippling in twelve-winded circles,
Into the dead clock burning the hour
Over the urn of sabbaths
Over the whirling ditch of daybreak
Over the sun's hovel and the slum of fire
And the golden pavements laid in requiems,
Into the bread in a wheatfield of flames,
Into the wine burning like brandy,
The masses of the sea
The masses of the sea under
The masses of the infant-bearing sea
Erupt, fountain, and enter to utter for ever
Glory glory glory
The sundering ultimate kingdom of genesis' thunder.
Dylan Thomas
Bom dia e boa semana.
ResponderEliminarDa Séria - “No tempo em que” havia músicos a fazer intervenção política.
Hoje: Woody Guthrie - “This Land Is Your Land”
Woody Guthrie e a viola com o autocolante "This Machine Kills Fascists" é uma imagem icónica dos anos 60. Guthrie nasceu em 1912 na zona rural de Oklahoma, estado muito atingido pela resseção económica do Crash de 1929. A família foi atingida pela crise e tiveram que se deslocar para Califórnia. (tal como a família Joad do fantástico livro de John Steinbeck –“As Vinhas da Ira” – ou o brilhante filme de John Ford, adaptado do livro). Califórnia, a terra do leite e mel! Com essa mudança Guthrie começou a desenvolver uma nova perspectiva política.
Centenas de milhares de pessoas pobres vinha em busca de emprego. Guthrie ficou completamente impressionado com crianças a morreram de fome perto de propriedades cheias de comida; os poderosos empresários a tudo fazerem para esmagar a resistência dos trabalhadores e manter os salários baixos. Foi na Califórnia que Guthrie encontrou pela primeira vez o movimento sindical que procurava organizar os trabalhadores e ensinando as pessoas sobre as ideias socialistas. Um elemento importante era a crença de que a terra da nação deveria ser a posse comunitária de todo o povo - por outras palavras, "esta terra pertence-nos".
Em 1938, Woody começou a fazer espectáculos para trabalhadores, a distribuir panfletos e a colaborar com os sindicatos. Em 1940 escreve a letra de "This Land Is Your Land" porque estava tão irritado ao ouvir "God Bless America" o tempo todo no rádio. Foi uma resposta ao que Guthrie viu como patriotismo sem cérebro, destinado a questionar se os Estados Unidos estavam realmente a tratar o seu povo de forma tão equitativa quanto ele acreditava que deveria. Estávamos nos difíceis tempos de Joseph McCarthy (Macartismo) em que a paranóia anticomunista se tornou numa força fundamental na vida norte-americana.
Uma questão tem sido colocada pelos estudiosos da obra de Woody Guthrie: a música é americana ou antiamericana? Deveríamos interpretá-la como socialista, comunista ou algum outro tipo de sonho utópico exclusivamente americano? Na verdade, a América tem uma tradição radical, mas também a tradição anti-radical é profunda, sendo que o conflito persiste, mas ninguém retira a Guthrie o título de primeiro herói da música folclórica americana.
Esta música tem conhecido muitas versões o que reforça o seu estatuto de hino nacional alternativo!
Woody Guthrie- “This Land Is Your Land”
This land is your land This land is my land
From California to the New York island;
From the red wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and Me.
As I was walking that ribbon of highway,
I saw above me that endless skyway:
I saw below me that golden valley:
This land was made for you and me.
I've roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts;
And all around me a voice was sounding:
This land was made for you and me.
When the sun came shining, and I was strolling,
And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling,
As the fog was lifting a voice was chanting:
This land was made for you and me.
As I went walking I saw a sign there
And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."
But on the other side it didn't say nothing,
That side was made for you and me.
In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,
By the relief office I seen my people;
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking
Is this land made for you and me?
Nobody living can ever stop me,
As I go walking that freedom highway;
Nobody living can ever make me turn back
This land was made for you and me.
Uma espectacular versão:
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings - "This Land Is Your Land"