Now or Always

Fotografia de Heidi Niemala

Is it for now or for always,
The world hangs on a stalk?
Is it a trick or a trysting-place,
The woods we have found to walk?

Is it a mirage or miracle,
Your lips that lift at mine:
And the suns like a juggler's juggling-balls,
Are they a sham or a sign?

Shine out, my sudden angel,
Break fear with breast and brow,
I take you now and for always,
For always is always now.
Philip Larkin


  1. Maria Tereza Estrabon Falabella14 de junho de 2012 às 07:47


    O teclado morre...o jeito é comprar outro.
    A última letra do _eu último _obremone também faliu. A_ _ não po_ _o e_crever.
    Maria Tereza


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