A elite lumpen

Um texto* feito em ano de eleições na Rússia dos oligarcas e de Putin:

     «(...) The first result of the policy of globalisation is the creation of an elite which belongs to no particular country and is dependent on no government or regime.
     It rises above history, culture and tradition. 
     The lumpen proletariat represented danger from below, from the lower strata of society. The lumpen elite is isolated from society and is twice as dangerous. 
     Just look at the builders of our world – Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Churchill – and those who came after them – Putin, Berlusconi, Blair, Sarkozy, Bush and the rest.
     Are you sure that this is the result we fought for throughout the long 20th century? 
     Are you really?»
in Catálogo da Exposição de Maxim Kantor: Atlas Vulcanus
Galerie Nierendorf, Berlim, 2011

* Completo aqui


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